Miniature Donkeys are native to the Mediterranean Island of Sardinia.
No, Miniature Donkeys are a true breed, small and drafty.
Mini Donkeys are 90 cm. and under at the withers (shoulders), weighing between 80-150 Kg. My smallest donk is 76 cm. and some weigh less than 75 Kg.
The most prevalent colour for a Miniature Donkey is grey-dunn which consists of a grey coloured body, light or dark coloured nose, light belly and a dark dorsal strip down the back and over the shoulders (known as the donkey's cross). There are also brown and sorrel (red) donkeys, but I specialise in blacks, whites and spotted donks.
A Jack is an unaltered male donkey of any age.
A Jenny or Jennet is a female donkey of any age.
A foal is a term for baby donkey of either sex. Foals are generally 8-11 Kg. at birth and stay with their mothers until they are 6 months old.
Miniature Donkeys carry a foal for 11 months 3 weeks and 5 days on average, but can go 11-12 months.
Donkeys communicate with their human family and other donkeys by "braying", also known as a hee-haw. Every donkey has their own "voice" with some sounding very funny. The sound ranges from a small hee-haw to a loud thunderous bray.
NO! Donkeys are very social, developing strong bonds and should never live a life of solitude. A pair is best, but a horse or pony also works well.
Miniature donkeys should be wormed several times per year to keep them parasite free. Miniature Donkeys should also be vaccinated annually for Rabies, flu, rhino, encephalitis and tetanus. Hooves also need trimming every six weeks depending on the soil.
A mini donkey should have good quality hay, a little grain, mineral and salt block, and fresh, clean water.
Donkeys need to be able to get in a dry, draft free, well ventilated area as weather conditions demand. They need shelter from harsh Winter weather as well as shade in the heat.
Donkeys need exercise, they love to run and play and get sunshine and free air.
Miniature Donkey Jennets are generally 3 years old before they are bred.
Donkeys generally love children and enjoy all the love that kids bestow on them! It is by far my favourite animal for young and old and differently abled people. They don't kick nor bite.
Geldings (altered male) and Jennets make the best pets. Geldings of course are not as costly as Jennets to purchase.